Fetches expenditures from deputy with his/her parlamentary quota. If no time parameters are passed, the fucntion returns the expenditures in the last six months.
fetch_despesas_deputado(id = NULL, idLegislatura = NULL, ano = NULL, mes = NULL, cnpjCpfFornecedor = NULL, itens = NULL)
id | Deputy's ID. Mandatory field |
idLegislatura | Deputy's ID |
ano | Expenditure's year |
mes | Expenditure's month |
cnpjCpfFornecedor | Provider's CPF or CNPJ |
itens | Items quantity. '-1' returns all the expenditures |
Dataframe containing details about the deputy's expenditures
gastos_abel_mesquita <- fetch_despesas_deputado(id = 178957) gastos_abel_junho2017 <- fetch_despesas_deputado(id = 178957, ano = 2017, mes = 06, itens = -1)